Things to Know Before Purchase

In developing this online training course we have used the competencies provided by the JCCP and PSA to provide a framework that ensures our learning modules meet the standards recommended.

These are underpinned by relevant, evidence based knowledge and at the academic standard required by these organisations.

For more information, you may wish to visit their websites;

Joint Council for Cosmetic Practitioners

Cosmetic Practice Standards Authority

Whilst we expect the courses to take about 6 hrs each to complete, ultimately, it is the responsibility of the individual attending or undertaking any  activity to evaluate for themselves the learning benefit gained and then to record this in line with the membership or CPD requirements of his or her professional body or employer organisation.

Please NOTE.

Practitioners who wish to extend and advance their Scope of Practice with Botulinum Toxin and Temporary Dermal Fillers should do so through access to appropriate education and supervised practice.